Elevate Phoenix

Elevate Phoenix is a unique 24/7 accredited program for Arizona Youth. Elevate Phoenix is modeled on Colorado UpLift, a non-profit organization that for 33 years has worked to help Denver-area students. 90% percent of high school seniors who have been in Colorado UpLift’s program for three years or more graduate from high school, and of these graduates over 85% enroll in post-secondary education. Like Colorado UpLift, Elevate Phoenix employs an urban and indigenous staff with a six-fold purpose of impacting at-risk students. Elevate Phoenix is a unique program for Arizona youth. Our program employs an urban and indigenous staff with a six-fold purpose of impacting young people in an urban community. We provide in school teaching, after school mentoring/tutoring, career instruction, postsecondary preparation, character, life skill and peer leadership development, community service and adventure activities.