New Pathways for Youth
New Pathways for Youth takes its commitment to the community seriously. Too many youth are exposed to violence, poverty and crime, which in most cases leads to them repeating the cycle. New Pathways for Youth uncovers the root causes of these issues and, in turn, transforms youth and builds a safer community through mentoring and life skill development. New Pathways for Youth supports one on one relationships between high risk youth and trained, volunteer mentors to unearth the core beliefs that are impeding youth from achieving their goals and reaching their full potential. Our services include 1-1 mentoring and intensive match support, life skill development, college and career readiness, service learning, parenting programs, and after school services. Over the 26-year history, New Pathways for Youth has transformed the lives of nearly 5,500 youth through the development of core social, emotional and academic skills. The programs create a 1:3 return on investment by preventing the future need for more costly social and criminal justice services.