Arizonans for Children
Arizonans for Children Inc., incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, exists to facilitate opportunities and provide effective solutions to alleviate hardships and improve the fragile lives of the abused, abandoned, and neglected children in foster care. Sensitive to the day-to-day needs of children in protective custody, AFC has developed programs designed to help stabilize and bring comfort to their complicated lives. In addition to the priceless gifts of time, energy and love, AFC provides abused, neglected and abandoned children with: two Children’s Visitation Centers located in Phoenix and Mesa that provide safe and fun places for family visits; toys, clothing and other special needs items; admission tckets to sporting events, the Ballet, Phoenix Art Museum, etc.; new and used luggage; tutor mentor program; Boy Scout program; educational classes; special Events such as monthly birthday parties, days of beauty, swimming, bowling, ice skating, roller skating parties, laser tag, Enchanted Island, Train Park Picnic, Holiday parties etc.